Shocking news: Bruce Johnson died earlier this week due to a head injury caused by a falling piece of sculpture he was working on in his studio.
Here's a link to an article with more details of the accident and Bruce's significant life and career: https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/timber-cove-sculptor-mourned-after-home-studio-accident/
I'll forward any other information I learn concernin funeral arrangements.
David Williams
What an amazing artist! I watched the video and just shook my head at everything he created. Bruce led quite a life and he created his own memorial in the forest. It's a loss.
John Scoble
Happy Trails Bruno....
Ron Simandl
I attended the Celebration of Life for Bruce on May 21, in Santa Rosa at the Luther Burbank Center for the Arts. Several of Bruce's sculptures are exhibited there, and many of Bruce's suggestions for developing the Center were instituted. Over 400 people in attendance, and dozens paid tribute to Bruce via song, poetry, anecdotes, music, humor and soliloquy. As did I.
Over the years I visited Bruce often. My two children adored him, as did I. So many memories. I expected many more.
His passing is a loss not only to those who knew and loved him, but to prosperity, as well, for the sculptures he would have created.
Still, his unique legacy will abide for centuries through the art he did create. His was a life well lived.
Ron Simandle