In Memory

Stephen Peppas


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06/04/24 05:43 PM #1    

John Quillen

Stephen never seemed to stray far from his (our) home turf.  He grew up a block east of my family's home and years later he resided a block to the west of my present abode.  It always seemed to me that he was bursting with a nervous energy.  And while we were never the closest of acquaintences, on the rare occasions our paths did converge he would always flatter me by telling me that I was one of the the few classmates who knew or appreciated what the "determinent" was/is.  Go figure.  But it always made my day.  So, here is a much belated hats off and thank you to Stephen.  JQ

06/06/24 06:24 PM #2    

Michael Arighi

Sorry to hear this. Stephen was part of that once-big Washington School contingent, which continues to shrink.

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