In Memory

John Oakland

Bob Tetak informs me that John passed away on April 19th.

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04/22/18 01:29 PM #4    

Marty Rego (Granucci)

So sorry to hear about John, He is with Sandy now.  They were always such a neat couple.  Rest in Peace John.

04/22/18 03:59 PM #5    

Melinda Wetzel (Oliver)

Very sad to hear about John's passing. I'm sorry I wasn't able to connect with him recently. I had heard from an acquaintance of his at the beginning of the year that he was ailing. RIP John and Sandy.

p.s. thanks for the photo, Greg.

04/22/18 07:17 PM #6    

Stuart Anderson

Rest in Peace Johnny Boy. One of the truly good guys. 

04/22/18 07:51 PM #7    

Vonn Krause

I am sorry to hear of John's passing.  I haven't been in touch with him since high school, but have always remembered him because of a crazy ski trip to Heavenly Valley that he, John Mark, and myself took back then.  We stayed at south shore to ski Heavenly, but one night John O. wanted to go to an italian restaurant his parents had taken him to in Tahoe City called Bacchi's.  So we all piled in his car and he drove us halfway around the lake in a substantial snow storm by way of Emerald Bay, which usually closed back then during storms due to avalanche danger.  And we were enjoying some libations on the way to make the drive go faster.  We were just young, dumb kids not knowing the daunting task we were dealing with.  But John got us there, the food was great and I have been there many times since due to living in the area.  Unfortunately, it sold some years ago and don't believe it is still as good, so don't go there based on this.  Anyway, John got us home safely and we managed to ski the next morning.  So I will always remember John for the good times we had on that trip.  And I hope that heaven has a good ski mountain with a very good italian restaurant near by for him.  Rest in peace John!

04/23/18 12:49 AM #8    

Paulette Gilkerson (Williams)

Al and I are sad to hear of John's passing , to the arms of God old friend .

04/23/18 11:49 AM #9    

Mick Arata

Saddened to hear of John's passing. I remember him on our 8th grade championship CYO team for Assumption. It was Tetak, Elston, Castro, John and myself. We played for the championship at USF's gym. John became a great hitter for the Pirate baseball team. Last saw John at his son's games when his son was at SL. Always had fun talking to John. Rest in peace.


04/23/18 12:08 PM #10    

Celeste Squires (Barker)

I lived in the samme apartments as John and saw him and Sandy Marston at SFSU. He was so in love with her. I always hoped to see them at a reunion since I lost contact after college. They both left us too young..

04/23/18 03:27 PM #11    

Carole Forsberg (Sykes)

I saw John from time to time at SFSU, during those tumultuous times to be in College, and last, sharing a couple of wild dances  at our 45th Reunion.  But most of all, I remember John in the hallway between classes, when we were all so young, in his light blue Sheiks jacket, chatting with his buddies.  My condolences to his family.  Together again with Sandy.  RIP John.


04/26/18 08:49 AM #12    

Sharon Burke (Watson)

So sorry to hear of John’s passing. Wonderful to hear all the memories of our classmate. Hard to believe both he and Sandy have passed already. They were such a special couple.     


04/27/18 01:36 AM #13    

Russell Schrader

I remember having him in my classes and being amazed at his ability to think outside of the box. He would think of a solution to a problemthat was so clever and so good. I always thought highly of his ability to do so. Very sorry to hear of his passing and like Vonn I sure enjoyed eating at Bacchi's.   Russell Schrader

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