Bill Lukanish worked at PSA/USAirways in Oakland, CA from 1972 -1991...Today I received sad news from another co-worker, Ron Rocha...To all my PSA friends, it's with great sadness that I tell you, that our friend and former co-worker Bill Lukanish has passed away. He didn't feel well, and was taken to the hospital, where he died from a massive heart attack. Bill and I were very close, and I'm totally in shock. There will be a memorial service this Thursday, June 7th, 2012 at 2pm, at the Chapel of the Chimes, Piedmont Ave. in Oakland
Phil Baylis
Bill and I lived in the same neighbor hood. He live in the house he grew in up on the corner of Sybal Ave and San Rafael about three blocks away from me. We conversed over the years as I would stop when he was in his yard. Had about a conversation every other year. I will miss catching up on the things we had mutual interest in. He took care of his mother untill the end. He was a faithfull son.
May God be with him and rest in, Bill.
Kathie Cazadd (McKeown-Allen)
I was so sad to see the news about Bill. During 9th grade at Bancroft (I think that was the year), Bill, Steve Oswill and I hung out together. He was the sweetest guy and friend. I've often thought about him during the years and wondered if he ever made a career in golf. I was looking forward to seeing him at our 50th reunion. I wish I had been in California to attend his service. He will always be in my thoughts and heaven has just inherited another angel.