Many sorries Ken. What a marriage run to be proud of. These stories are nice to hear and are few in number. I wished and hoped I would have such marriage but it was not to be. Married at 41 and over at 69 years old. I hope your sorrows are smothed by the time you both sared with one another.
Ken, sorry to hear of your loss. I know you and Jill were high school sweethearts. I will keep you and Jill in my prayers. I also remember the many basketball teams we were on at Assumption, O'Dowd and SL. Take care.
Phil Baylis
Many sorries Ken. What a marriage run to be proud of. These stories are nice to hear and are few in number. I wished and hoped I would have such marriage but it was not to be. Married at 41 and over at 69 years old. I hope your sorrows are smothed by the time you both sared with one another.
Phil Baylis
Mick Arata
Ken, sorry to hear of your loss. I know you and Jill were high school sweethearts. I will keep you and Jill in my prayers. I also remember the many basketball teams we were on at Assumption, O'Dowd and SL. Take care.
Bill Hostetler
Sorry to hear of Ken's loss.
But joining Phil: props and congratulations for a lifetime partnership.
BTW: Any woman that divorces Phil Bayless is crazy.
Marty Rego (Granucci)
Ken so sorry for your loss, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Marty (Rego) Granucci