We lost Ron Garcia two weeks ago after a long illness. I met Ron on my first day at Bancroft Junior High School. He was in 5 out of my 6 classes. We became fast friends and have remained friends for over 60 years. I ushered at his wedding, helped on weekends at his Father's Almond ranch, consoled him after his Father and Sister (Mona) passed on and we just hung out all through Junior High, High School and Chabot Junior College. A few years ago, I also adopted His Mother (Marcie) as she was so kind to me as I went through my turbulent teenage years. She was well into her 90's when she also passed on. Ron graduated from San Jose State and became a High School teacher. He also became the official High Schools photographer and started his own photographer business. He loved teaching young minds and always showed up to all school events to take pictures. I will miss Ron but I will also think of him quite often. He was truly a good guy.
Henry A. (Buddy) Weeks
Melinda Wetzel (Oliver)
Hello Buddy,
I didn't really know Ron but am so sorry for your loss of such a good friend. It's seems you will have lots of good memories to comfort you in your loss. Thank you for sharing/posting this.
Melinda Wetzel Oliver
Ray Suderman
I met Ron at Scheffield Village School in Oakland and we were good friends until we lost touch after High School. Ron was an incredibly nice guy and good to have as a friend. Thanks for your great comments Buddy. Sounds like Ron had a full and happy life and I am glad to hear it. rip Ron.
Nancy Salsedo (Meyers)
Nice thoughts, Buddy. Now that I see his picture, I remember him. Very tall as I recall. It's wonderful to have fond memories of people who mean a lot to us, in recent times as well as past. Sounds like you are doing well. Thank you for your thoughts and kind memories. Nancy