In Memory

Kathy Blasquez (McCormick-Leone) VIEW PROFILE

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05/23/17 12:57 PM #2    

Sharon Standlee (Iwanski)

Sorry to hear of her passing.  Condolences to her family.  RIP


05/24/17 11:22 AM #3    

Marty Rego (Granucci)

A wonderful friend for allot of years has passed away, Friends since Jr. High, She leaves behind a wonderful husband Art Leoni, daughter Martha, 2 grandsons, and a brother Ray.  Our little group team vodka will miss her, so many great memories.  RIP Kathy, Love you

05/25/17 03:55 PM #4    

Nancy Salsedo (Meyers)

Kathy will be missed.

I remember when I moved back to California in 1981 I went to work at Etec in Hayward.  Kathy saw me in the cafeteria and told a co-worker that I looked like someone she went to high school with.  Later Hank told me about their conversation; he told her that my name was Nancy but I just moved here from the east coast so she must be mistaken.  I said I was the Nancy she went to high school with, and rushed over to the Purchasing Dept where Kathy worked so we could get reunited!  

05/25/17 04:31 PM #5    

Carole Forsberg (Sykes)

Dearest Kathy, my very first new friend at my new school.  We met in Spanish class on Day One.  I only knew 2 people in the entire school,  and she asked if I'd like to walk to school with her and Debbie (Gennoy) the next day.  That was the beginning of friendship with a wonderful, funny, and interesting girl. . To her family and dear friends, I send my deepest condolences on her loss. Rest in Peace dear Kathy.

05/26/17 10:24 PM #6    

Sharon Burke (Watson)

So sorry to hear the sad news. Condolences to family and friends.

05/29/17 03:10 PM #7    

Phil Baylis

Kathy was a long time friend and Junior High and High School buddy.  My long term memory is pretty good on this.  She and I were in a class as Juniors. She sat next to me.  A new girl was ushered into the class one day and I was pretty taken by her. Kathy immediately saw the look on my face.  She then made a jesture as to you and her with a BIG SMILE.  All of us who knew Kathy knew that smile.  That new girl became a my High School Sweetheart.  She will remain nameless for her own peace.

Rest in wonderful peace, Kathy.

05/30/17 09:08 AM #8    

Steven Addiego

It is always sad to loose a classmate  , rest in peace kathy. we will see all at the final reunion

07/26/17 11:31 AM #9    

John McClendon


I remember in 8th grade at Bancroft...Danny Tippet

would tell anyone that would listen that

He was going to marry Kathy someday.

I don't think Kathy felt the same way.





07/26/17 11:32 AM #10    

John McClendon

Rest In Peace Kathy...

07/28/17 12:58 AM #11    

Vicki Wells (Damiani)

Sorry to hear about Kathy.  My thoughts and prayers go out to her family.

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