In Memory

Jolene Alejo


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06/03/14 10:37 AM #1    

Kathy Lucich (Maixner)

My favorite Jolene memory is when we were at Bancroft Junior High.  A group field trip to the Berkeley campus to see President Kennedy came up.  When Jolene and I (Kennedy devotees) saw where we would be sitting in the bleachers, we agreed we needed to get closer to JFK.  So we jumped a barrier and went down on the football field.  The next thing I know, here comes JFK.  I still have a photo from my Brownie camera that shows Kennedy speaking to the crowds.  Later Jolene and I had to report to the school principal for appropriate discipline..  Apparently, our field group "lost us" and had to remain for hours in Berkeley trying to find us.  Too bad - no cell phones!

Jolene was the sweetest girl with an indomitable spirit.  She's certainly another star in Heaven with JFK!

Kathy Lucich-Maixner

05/21/15 10:14 PM #2    

Cherese Menhorn (Macedone)

I remember how well she played the cello in the orchestra. What a sweet and kind person she was.

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