Ron lived just up the block from me. We would play together when we were little. But as we got older my mother intervened and forbad my seeing him. I did not know why at the time; found out latter.
He was a kind and gentle person and a frequent contributor to this website always welcoming someone or expressing sympathy when a fellow classmate passed. He deserves no less.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Ron and I were in musical endeavors together and I'll second Rick's comment that he was a kind and gentle soul. I know I'll miss him in our get-togethers, and I expect others will, too. Requiescat in pace, Ron.
Rick Nunes
Ron lived just up the block from me. We would play together when we were little. But as we got older my mother intervened and forbad my seeing him. I did not know why at the time; found out latter.
He was a kind and gentle person and a frequent contributor to this website always welcoming someone or expressing sympathy when a fellow classmate passed. He deserves no less.
Michael Arighi
I'm so sorry to hear this. Ron and I were in musical endeavors together and I'll second Rick's comment that he was a kind and gentle soul. I know I'll miss him in our get-togethers, and I expect others will, too. Requiescat in pace, Ron.